Category Archives: Uncategorized

And there is more…


Are you on ‘X’ ? (Twitter as was)

If so look for @Mr.Jones6ofbest

I have started adding little videos.


Personally, I prefer this to X, you can add more photos to a post and write more.

My old Tumblr is still active, click on the button on my web page. But I rarely post on there now, because I have two more.

mr-asa-jones ~ (which is the home of Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls)


victorian-spanking ~ (which is the home of The Inveigle)

Pay me a visit, and let me know how easy it is to find me.


AI Spanking Art ~ Update

To get some background, click here…


I endeavour to keep my blog varied, and entertaining, with my own work being the vast majority of it, but I also try to cover art, vintage. and use special contributors to fill other gaps.

I love AI and want to write stories with AI characters in. To that end I have already got TradCP, and am now working with another, and approached a third. This will be the modern side of my blog and site.

Today I am working on that.


Important Changes…

My blog being off-line was probably the fifth time in around ten years. Each time it makes me think of the frailty of it, how would I cope without it?

My web host assures me it won’t happen, call me a pessimistic old bar steward, (posh English slang for bastard), but they said similar things before the Titanic set sail!


I advise you to acquaint yourselves with Twitter (X) and Tumblr, two excellent places to hold a blog, not as good as this, they are all different, but each have their own merits.

I am going to put little videos on twitter (X), as well as my photos. As regards interaction it beats this hands down. I have always yearned for comments, and some faithful wonderful people on here, have realised that, and I am so grateful to them. Hence the club I set up, to reward them. That will continue.

But on X, I get ten times more interaction than on here, and tumblr will be similar.

I am making two sites on Tumblr, one is ‘Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls, and the other will be ‘The Inveigle’. Tumblr is actually better that X in my opinion, you can write more and post more photos, so a spanking enthusiast like Suzette for example, who is now thriving on X, could keep a quite adequately sized blog.

This will make me busier, but…if all goes tits up…I will be able to carry on.

Also events are so easy to fill on ‘X’ and people are more than happy to pay the £100. I am now chatting regularly with the man who runs spankee finder, so finding more girls for an event might be easier for me, if I need them.

So…if I was you, I would get myself on X and Tumblr and join in the interactive fun….


The answer is time, I will now not have time to post every day on here. I will try to post as often as I can, and it will be most days. This blog is still the most important, because all other things refer to it. But I aim to do the same on the others, and treat all four importantly.

Then….if the blog fails one day…the Emporium will carry on and on.


A note to the naughty boys coming to the Chromlechville Shoot…

The only way to talk, ask questions etc is in the room I have created for you, via comments.

We need to talk as a group in this, not individual mail. You have all had the password, you have all received the mail .

No comments….means…

No visit.

I do have a list of naughty boys waiting.

Sorry to be blunt, but I have to be sometimes. I have it all to arrange and need to know who is coming, I am not telling you any more details of the correctional facility and its workings until you do.

This is an event with five girls punishing five boys, anyone else interested? Then leave a comment to say so, and you go on the list of waiting boys.



Somebody is looking rather pleased with themselves!

Samantha has a knack of looking very proud of herself, and very pleased too, when she surveys her handiwork!

I am so glad I know these two, to see them in their correct roles, roles that suit them to a tee, is wonderful. Samantha the Headmistress, Charlotte the naughty girl.

I am sure that Charlotte has an equal feeling of pleasure and contentment after her spanking. A match made in heaven these two!

And lucky old me gets to hover around watching everything, and listening too, which to me is just as important. The smacks, the telling off, the little yelps and squeals…..wonderful!


A call to bare, bend and squeal… (male applicants only)

I have been updating ‘New Cromlechville’…

click here to read…


The Art Classes for the Fem Dom

And the school…


I need to do a shoot, only the brave and serious need apply, no thrill seekers. Only apply if you can take a good bare bottom spanking from my girls on the bare with a hairbrush or be caned on the bare hard.


You will have to pay, I never make a profit, this is a hobby, not a job, but I do not want to make a huge loss! I am looking for three men, there will be four in the shoot for the school and the art class. I have one already.

I have had people promise and not turn up…thrill seekers….wanting to go through all the stages and discussions, no doubt wanking themselves silly as they do!

Once you say yes, you pay. It is non returnable, if you cannot make it ….tough! The girls will still need paying.

This will be this year, in Derbyshire, so English applicants only.

But it will not be soon, probably October, I have another shoot with Cromlech first.

So….interested? Write and tell me why I should pick you. Do not bother writing to say ‘if I was in England I would!’ There is no point in writing that is there?

