Tunnel Number Two – Door One

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This is using the photographs of Red Charls, click here..



Somehow when you awoke the next day, things felt different. You showered and ate breakfast served via the hatch as before. However, there was distant chanting, religious chanting, quite beautiful. Yet as beautiful as it was it felt threatening, and aimed at you. You were feeling alone, almost a prisoner, yet…you liked it, a lot.

After a lovely hot shower, and a range of toiletries wider than you had ever seen, you came back into your room. The serving hatch was closed, the door locked, and the trapdoor as always lifted. You were eager to see today’s attire, if any! And what implement you were to use. There was no implement, just a simple nun’s habit, no underwear, and black suede chunky high heeled shoes.

You sensed movement below, the chanting began again. You put on the habit and shoes, and climbed down the ladder. At the bottom you stood in shock, tunnel one was in darkness, but next to it, tunnel two was open. And stood on each side were singing nuns, with candles.

What must be the Abbess, beckoned you to follow her, and you did, what choice had you?

It became a little sinister, as you walked in between each pair of singing nuns, they blew out their candles, darkness followed you, and each one stopped singing. Silence followed you too. By the time you reached the first door, which was open, the Abbess alone was singing, beautifully. It echoed down the tunnel. You went into the room to where the Abbess pointed. The door closed behind you, and locked, through the grill you saw the light vanish. You had never felt so alone, or nervous.

You sensed movement.

As your eyes adjusted, you saw a chair and instinctively walked to it.

A deep voice full of age and authority spoke. Go to the chair, put one leg on it, and lift up your habit, to reveal your bottom. It was obviously no good doing any other than follow the commanding voice. And…to be honest, you wanted to obey. A dim light grew slightly brighter, just enough to enable you to see a tall strong man. You did as you were told, willingly.

You stood provocatively, you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted your bottom to look good for him, you were wet, very wet.

“Kneel on the chair, bottom towards me.” Said the deep strong voice.

You sensed movement again, and smelled the smell of manhood. He had taken it out, was he going to fuck you? Then you heard a slow rhythmic movement. He was wanking!

He stepped towards you, still obviously wanking slowly, and began to spank your bottom with a strap. “Count them, call me Sir.”


“Ahhhhhh, one Sir, thank you Sir.”

Why did you say thank you, you wondered.


“Ahhh, two Sir, thank you Sir.” You realised then that you needed this so very much, and that was why you were saying thank you.

It hurt like crazy, but you could not help pushing out for more. He changed implement and quickened the pace with both his wanking and beating.

He grunted as he shot his load of warm milky spunk all over the floor beside you. “Take the chair, leave it outside, by the door.”

He left, the Abbess came in, not singing, and led you back to the ladder, you were stiff and your bottom on fire. You climbed the ladder, the trapdoor closed and bolted. You lay on the bed, and felt the welts criss crossing your cheeks, and fingered yourself hard, to a multitude of orgasms.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring for you?
