Ma’s Banat Bat

Another interesting and unusually written piece from K.V.W. Yolandine, concerning Ma…

To read more, (and I advise you to) click here…

Ma visits the Carpathian mountains of Romania – it was once in Hungary before the Treaty of Versailles changed the maps of the world. The Banat region was once the most fertile farming area of that part of the world. My mentee and co-Ma inventor is from that part of the world, and Ma herself is part-based on my mentee’s mama. So, Ma goes on holiday and has a whale of a whacking time.

Ma’s Banat bat

Ma went to Transylvania and bought a Banat bat
‘Twas round and flat and bottom shaped
She’d thought she’d try it out…
On farmers wives and husbands
She turned white cheeks to pink
Keeping all in line, then insisted on receipt
As lucky village matron with cheeks her own a-glow
Whapped Ma’s broad acre bare and plump terrain
It was quite a show

And thus for a season it became quite the thing
For Ma to go a-visiting to villages and towns
Across Carpathia-Transylvania,
With Banat bat in hand and OTK in mind
Bare cheeks would meet their fate
Of whatever size and shape
For all those high and low
And like the folk-tales of old
The legend of Ma grew
She melted hearts as she heated bare seats
The people’s very own defender, champion and spanker

When Ma returned from her Carpathian trip
Pa spotted a new object in her kit
A flat bat and no mistake was bottom-shaped
“That my dear” said ma half-tidy, her own broad terrain a little wider
is my new toy for use on your rear”, “I’ve had it tested on my travels and o what a marvel it brings out the pink on the spherical ovals”
‘Tis called the banat and is my pride and joy
So over you go and bare those cheeks
Time to make up for the last few weeks!