Knickers Removal – Set 18

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In this set, you will have three photos for each little scene, a general view, a view of the teacher, a close up of the girls knickers/bottom.

Charlotte is told that her spanking will be on her bare bottom, over the stool.

Miss Kenworthy tells Charlotte to bare her bottom for a spanking.
Charlotte lifts her skirt.
Miss Kenworthy watches her squirm

Charlotte lifts her skirt and blazer, to start taking down her knickers.

Charlotte”s knickers are seen
Charlotte’s lovely tight regulation maroon school knickers.
Miss Kenworthy, full of admiration, studies the shape of Charlotte’s bottom under the thin, tightly stretched material.

The knickers start to fall

Miss Kenworthy takes a sharp intake of breath as the beauty of the bottom she is about to spank is revealed.
The first glimpse

The glory of her curves are revealed

‘Oh my’ …I get paid for this!….thinks Miss Kenworthy.
At first she feels embarrassed and shy.
As always during a shoot, the thought of it being a shoot fades away.
We are there, almost as witnesses.

The knickers are tugged down, the waistband overlaps to reveal more of her glory

A draft of cool air blows over her bottom, as if the gaze is physically touching her.
How vulnerable, how soft….how spankable!
Look at Miss Kenworthy’s eyes….they are devouring her prey!

The knickers descend…

Miss Kenworthy follows them

The Girl, although nervous and worried, loves the feeling of being undressed by this powerful authorative woman.

Miss Kenworthy’s anticipation rises, her pussy goes moist as she sees Charlotte’s trembling bottom almost ready to thrash.

The last touch of her knickers, until after her bottom has been thrashed, is giving them to the lady in authority….backed by the Board of Education, The School Governors, and her parents. She has no choice but to do exactly as she is told. She knows that if she struggles or makes a fuss it will be terribly worse. It could end up with Prefects holding her over the vaulting horse. All she can do is tremble and accept her fate as best she can….the point of no return has been reached, in just a few minutes she will be squealing in hot burning agony on her bottom, kicking and crying.

There is nothing she can do. Some girls run, flying out of the door to hide. But always …ALWAYS, they are found, and flogged without mercy, as an example, before the whole school.


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