My Experiences at Oaks and Pines…

‘B’ a lady who is going to be a contributor from Jan 2022, has been in touch with me for a while, we have become friends. She is a lovely writer of spanking fiction and if you click on ‘links and contributors’, above, you will find her stories.

The other side to her spanking story site, is an intriguing spanking game, which after some deliberation, I decided to join.

My character is Georgina. I am using photos I have taken of Charlotte for the game occasionally, but on their site, through no choice of their own, we have to be careful what photos we post.

I think out of all the people who come to my site, a few would be interested. Namely my contributors. Not Jean Marie bless her, she us just too busy with work and has almost faded away. Not my Greek friend, he would be far to rude! Nor Ma and Pa, their lilting almost rhyming way, would not suit it. Robyn would be ideal, so would Robin… Robin, or Robyn, if you read this, maybe you will try.

Click here to apply…


After applying I was accepted as a junior girl. Here is a photo of one of their school classrooms.

Some of the rather naughty girls of Oaks and Pines.

At the time I joined, around Christmas 2021 the girls were in Polan, on a trip, I read their posts to get a feel. Then (in the game) my parents got an invite, after contacting the school with a problem. The school rang, saying I could start in the Christmas Holidays on 29th December. You see, in the story my parents work in Bornreo, looking after orang utans, and they had to get back…

These are actual posts, I write for Georgina, (italics), people from all over the world write for other characters….and there are a team of organisers who keep the game going. There is a lot more going on than my little adventure.


“Good morning, this is London City Airport private announcement seven, requesting Miss Georgina A Jones to present herself at gate number one, her flight is about to land…”

Bye bye Mum! Bye Bye Daddy! Bye bye Gran! Bye bye Grandad! Love you! Looooove you!

I have a huge trolley….on it are my suit cases and my bike in a sort of crate. On a film some pleasant young man would say ‘You seem to be struggling, may I help?”

I have told my family that once I say goodbye…that’s it…I am off in my adventure. I can see a sign..’Gate 1’…..puuuuuuush….we begin to move, the trolley must have been made at Tesco, three wheels are touching the floor, one is spinning around like a ballerina, but on we go.

I am now keeping my composure. I made a little flag out of card. I have drawn the ‘O&P’ badge on…underneath I have written Georgina.A.Jones….I arrive at Gate 1 and see the first aeroplane with reverse I have ever seen.

I brush down my clothes, go through a gate and wait. Inside I am scared, and excited. Outwardly I am calm. My Dad told me to stand straight, keep calm, and wait.

Emily, Esmeralda and Clara, legged it up to gate 1. We found a lovely tall blond girl with a big smile. “Hiya! Welcome to O&P, I am Clara the Head Girl and this is Emily, we are going to her home in Scotland, and this Esmeralda, our copilot and one of my minders as Em calls them.”

She blushed as she showed us her carry-on, two suitcases and bike box. Two airport porters came to help. They were accompanied by two security officers and Esmeralda opened her blazer to show that her pair of shoulder holsters were empty. We loaded Georgina’s luggage in the plane’s baggage compartment. Then we boarded, and she was cheerfully welcomed.

I was soon met by Clara, the Head Girl, who introduced me to another pleasing girl called Emily, I discovered that it was the latters house in Scotland we were going to. I looked to Em, the copilot and sort of bodyguard and nodded cheerfully.

They were a great help in getting two porters, and together we got everything on board. All were exceedingly welcoming and I relaxed in their company. Emily asked if I was nervous and I replied ‘Only a lot!’ Which broke the ice, as we chuckled together. They told me that they knew exactly how I felt and reassured me on each little worry I presented.

I did not want to appear too scared, so did not ask too many questions. And within a short time we were chatting as girls do. Emily nodded towards the propellers, ‘They look odd don’t they?’ To which I made her laugh by saying ‘I hope I don’t get sick flying backwards.’… Grandad always said that my humour would see me through.

I climbed the short stairs and was welcomed warmly, I wasn’t sure who was who. My main concern was to act properly…I could hear Gran saying ‘close your mouth, you are not a cod fish!’…so did not start gawping at everything. My mum’s voice drifted in….’stop giggling like an idiot at everything dear, I know you are nervous, but just keep calm, listen and breath!’…I tried my best, and succeeded.

The first meeting with my new life, and new people was done. I was sat on an aeroplane with what looked like a really nice group of people.

I thought if my mermaid in my suitcase…and sent her a wish of good luck. I was pleased that thoughts of my family kept washing over me with advice…I knew they would be with me.

So, there I was, facing forwards with propellers facing backwards….buy hey ho, so long as they don’t drop off and do their job, all will be well….Scotland beckoned…I thought of one of my favourite T.V. Programmes, ‘Outlander’…I thought of the Derbyshire moors and heather where I had walked many times with Daddy, looking at the deer…he had said it was very much like Scotland. I thought of tartan, whiskey, kilts, and towers…then turned to Emily and asked…”What is haggis like then?”

And here I am on my first day, in a Lodge in Scotland. Having met the Head Girl, a bodyguard, a strict Miss Szabo, two girls who do the cheerleading and who talked about teasing boys as they showed their knickers.

Things are picking up, their is a party and a pantomime to look forward to.

I have a beautiful room….and have fallen asleep after stroking my bottom, my bare bottom with my knickers at mid thigh poking out!

Let’s see what happens!

I will keep you posted…lol

Quite enjoy being a young girl….looking like Charlotte!


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