Might have found a new space for a classroom, Head’s Study today.

Bigger than it looks. In an old mill. We’ll see. Not cheap, but not expensive either.


4 thoughts on “Might have found a new space for a classroom, Head’s Study today.

  1. wow, looks great, the cross in the window gives plenty of inspiration for stories in a catholic girls boarding school….

    With a little craftsmanship and a few financial investments, it will definitely be a gem

  2. Thank you, I think so to. The building lends itself to lots too. It is in an old silk mill, the staircase to my new room is atmospheric. I cannot wait to explore it all. But first, sanding the floor, and lining the walls…tick tick tick tick….it all takes time. And money, of which I have little. But I will do my best, as always. Asa

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