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Asa’s Note…

As you know, I am trying to cover this series with my own photos. Some are not taken yet, but my friend Stuart is going to pose with the girls for similar….not exact….photos. (my versions)

A straightforward strapping — or is that all there is to it? There is nothing particularly straightforward about a leather-topped bench across which a girl can be bent, with her bottom at just the right height for the strap to curl neatly round its cheeks. Can we surmise that this bottom-smacking gentleman actually enjoys having to discipline the girls — or are they really so naughty and so often deserving of punishment that a strapping bench is the only logical answer? Certainly he is performing his duty with gusto.

As for the girl, she’s certainly pretty enough. Could it be that her very prettiness is actually the reason for her punishment. Could it be that the teacher has had his eye on this girl, or on her bottom at least, and has now seized on the opportunity of slight digression from the rules to put her across that functional bench and pull her pants down.

Whatever the story behind this picture, it is dramatic and thought-provoking, and as such it has to be considered a successful illustration.

Asa’s Note…

The nearest I have to this are without a teacher, hence me employing my friend. But these put a photographic interpretation for you, taken from my ‘Fine Art America’ site…

The next ‘Roue’ illustration is…

This illustration, though sparsely endowed with incident, is nonetheless a poignant depiction of the indignities to which full-grown girls at this particular school are subjected — all in the course of ‘education’, of course.

That it is a clergyman who is about to administer the correction may make the forthcoming ordeal just about bearable for this young lady, though the thoughtful smile on his face which the schoolgirl can’t yet see tends to belie the idea that this is to be a punishment simply for the sake of maintaining discipline.

As for the girl herself, with her prefect’s piping on her blazer, her stockings, and her very shapely hips and legs, the prospect of a strapping or a caning must be doubly distressing, because without doubt she is old enough to have left school several years ago, were it not for the insistence of her parents that she should stay on for, perhaps, ‘A’ level examinations. Next term she will be at work, or possibly at university, but this term she is subject to the same rules as all the other girls in her school, even the first-formers. When the Headmaster says ‘Knickers down my girl,’ that’s just what she has to do. And she’ll cry no less for being eighteen years old. A girl’s naked bottom is a tender object at any age.

Asa’s Note…

As before, here are a few complimentary photos of mine to suit the mood…

More to come


6 thoughts on “SPANKERS GALLERY ~ No 4

  1. This is Bridgitte isn’t it? From Oakes and Pines. Mr Jones speaks very highly of you, and has asked me, Kate, and Samantha to join your game. But to be honest, we all have young children, do lots of work and stuff, so it would be difficult. Thank you for your comment, and you for yours John…..keep repeating the good things by all means.

  2. Thank you Charlotte, that will cheer ‘B’ up very much, and I know that you in your green summer school dress is a particular favourite of hers… we will do a special set just for her one day, don’t let me forget!

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