Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls – Book 3 – Chapter Three ~ Part Five

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I am sorry to say that their behavior did not improve since I had caned them all last week. I got a phone call from the Queen’s Park Warden. It seems that three girls in our school uniform had been causing mayhem on the boating lake, on a Friday afternoon, soon after lunch!

Having been apprehended and escorted to the Queen’s Park Offices, the warden, with his secretary as a witness, searched their school bags for any sign of their names. He easily found them on their pencil cases and exercise books. However, rather disturbingly, he also found a quarter full bottle of gin and he noticed that the girls were somewhat tipsy.

I collected the girls in my car and ferried them back to school. It was a quiet journey. Every time I looked in my rear view mirror, all I could see were three worried faces, biting lips. It would be another rear view I would be having very soon.

I gave them the severest of reprimands and told them that each was getting six of the best…the very best, on their bare bottoms whilst being held firmly over the vaulting horse in my office. They sobered up immediately.

I started with Charlotte. I ordered all three to bare their bottoms in readiness. Kate and Stephanie sat down on chairs at each side to hold her legs and arms. I stood swishing my cane in anticipation as the sorry girl climbed into position.

Probably nervousness, I don’t know, but the three of them actually smiled at each other.  Very strange, but I was going to wipe those smiles away with my rattan soon enough!

She settled into position and the other two reprobates secured their grips…

She was ready…And so I began!…

I whacked her bare bottom hard and true, until she was struggling and squealing. How dare they smile in my office?! I have my reputation as ‘Thrasher Jones’ to uphold! As long as girls are writing nasty things about ‘Old Thrasher’ on the toilet cubicle walls, I know I’m on top. Standards have to be maintained…even my own!

Ahhh yes! That’s more like it. I think they could hear her in the quadrangle and corridors, and probably in most of the classrooms as well!

‘Listen to that my girls, and know what happens to the naughtiest of girls!’ I thought to myself.

I told them to change places.

Charlotte took her place, tenderly and sorely on the chair. It was now the turn of Kate to be held over the horse to have her bare bottom soundly caned.

Stephanie gripped Kate’s legs, with her feet tucked under her arms. Kate was obviously scared and Charlotte patted her arm in comfort.

“Just do as you are told to do Charlotte and hold Kate in position. Any more of that and you will go straight back over my girl!”

She held Kate tightly…

Kate smiled a ‘thank you’ but in her position, bare bottom up high, with me holding a flexible four foot length of rattan cane in readiness to thrash her buttocks, she didn’t remain smiling for long! 

I stood in position and raised the cane…

She found it difficult to stay in place, and squealed loudly, but Stephanie and Charlotte did their job well.

I looked at the welts rising satisfied that I had punished her well. “Right Kate, get down.”

It was now the turn of the third girl, Stephanie, to be held in position, bare bottom up high, for her thrashing. Charlotte and Kate found it painful to sit on the chairs with their freshly striped bottoms….

“Are you ready for this, Stephanie?” I asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, Sir!” she replied in a rather cheeky voice.

“Right, then I’ll begin. Hold her tight girls. I really don’t want to hit her in the wrong place and cause her an injury if she wriggles around too much.”

So saying, I raised my cane above her and brought it vertically down across the centre of her bottom with a loud swish and thwack! She emitted a loud gasp, but managed to suppress any further noise. The two girls pulled her legs and arms back a bit more as they felt the ‘shockwave’ transmitted through her body.

I paused to give her a chance to recover and then brought down the second stroke… Swish! Thwack! This time she yelped out and her buttocks almost leapt in the air as she tried to absorb the sting. I could see her straining her arms and legs against her ‘securers’, but they held her fast. I could hear Charlotte whispering words of encouragement to her,

“It’s OK Steph, you’re doing very well. You’ll survive!”

Again, I raised the cane and this time whacked in two strokes in quick succession…Swish! Thwack! Swish! Thwack! 

She released an ear-piercing scream followed by loud howls of pain, tears running freely down her face….

I was somewhat taken aback by the strength of her reaction to these last two strokes and heard Kate whispering, “Go a bit easier on her Mr.Jones, Steph’s never been caned before!”

“Well, in that case, it’s about time she was caned! She’s getting exactly the same as you two!” I angrily retorted.

Surprisingly, Stephanie shouted out, “Do you worst Mr. Jones and don’t hang back!  Charlotte and Kate took their canings well, so I must too. Now please get on with it Sir, and girls please hold me tight!”

“How very brave of you Stephanie! Well, I mustn’t disappoint you then,” I replied.  

I then proceeded to really lay on the last three strokes as hard as I could. She yelped and screamed, howling the roof down, but her honour was intact! By the end, her bottom was as well striped as both Kate’s and Charlotte’s.

After I had finished caning the girls and had severely reprimanded them, I told the girls to stand in a row, with hands on their heads, and think about their behavior over the past few terms and always being in trouble…

As I sat down to admire their now very red striped bottoms, the Gilbert and Sullivan song, ‘Three Little Maids from School are we’, drifted through my head! The sight before my eyes was truly entrancing.

“Right, it is now time for my Prefects’ meeting. Unlike you three naughty girls, they are all very good, innocent, well behaved, studious girls. Bend over, all of you. Think about this….you three are in shame, with sore red bottoms bared for anyone who comes in to see. They are good girls, coming to see me and help with the way the school is run. You are naughty girls in disgrace! They are good girls wearing badges on their lapels to show the world that they are. Your badges are worn on your bottoms, consisting of six bright red throbbing lines each!”

The girls bent over, knowing that the good girls were going to see everything they had, and, once the meeting was over, they would share their news with all their friends. The three miscreants hated the good girls, but the good girls loved being good and seeing naughty girls humiliated!

There was a gentle knock on the door. “Come in!”

The good girls  came in and a couple of gasps came out, as well as a couple of small titters. The naughty girls cringed in embarrassment…

The meeting lasted fifteen minutes. The strain on the girls was made obvious by odd little grunts and groans they emitted. I also noticed the casual looks and smiles from my prefects.

The good girls left, pausing as they went by the naughty girls to inspect their well-thrashed bottoms more closely. Their hands itched to slap them, but dare not with me being present!

“Right, straighten up! Your ordeal is not over, I am using you as an example to all. Keep your bottoms bared. It’s break time, and we are going for a little walk down the corridors.” 

The girls sighed. 

“After you!” I said as I opened the office door. I followed them down the corridors and lots of girls pointed and giggled as they passed. I did nothing to stop them. This humiliated them, but I hoped that finally they were learning a lesson!

I took them to a classroom where the first years were going to have a Geography lesson, and made them kneel on a form and display their striped bottoms.

Although the stripes were now beginning to fade, they were still sufficiently visible to provide a good example of what happens to naughty girls. I took great care in aiming their bottoms in the right direction to have maximum impact on the young impressionable girls who would soon enter. The first year girls were standing outside  the classroom quietly chatting, waiting to be let in. They had no idea what they were about to see. 

I opened the blinds to make quite a good display of punished naughtiness. I was ready, and went to the door and opened it. 

“Quiet please girls. I have something to show you today. I want you to file into the classroom and have a good long look at what you see! I hope that it will be very instructive.”

Giggles and titters, shocked gasps and exclamations of surprise spewed forth from the mouths of the innocents as they entered the classroom and were confronted by a sight they had never seen before…

I saw the line of naughty girls shudder and quake in embarrassment….and began to drive home the lesson with a short speech.

“Girls, before you are the three naughtiest girls in school. After six years in the school, this is where they have ended up…in disgrace, in shame and in pain. Let this be a lesson to you. The path you choose in this very important year could either lead you here, like these three naughty girls, or it could lead you to the pinnacle as good girls and become prefects. The choice is yours. But if you choose the path these three have taken, let me assure you, this is how you will end up!” I finished by making a theatrical gesture towards the three bottoms on display with my arm.

The girls began to chatter.

I went to my desk.

I heard a splat, and one of the three naughty girls said, ‘‘Owwww!’’

Those first years are a devil of a shot with their pea shooters

4 thoughts on “Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls – Book 3 – Chapter Three ~ Part Five

  1. That room must have been ringing with the sound of aaahheeeiioowww oohhhaaeeooooh yyeeeoowwooaahhh from all three girls

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