Category Archives: ART

AI story update…

My AI team is in place, I have, alphabetically…

Rose Blanche, Steamy Bedtime, and TradCP.

You will find them here…

They are artists numbers…63, 64, and 65.

You might go and they are not added yet, I have to wait for a page to go live before I add it….you are right on the button reading this….I have been busy talking to them and getting it all set up. I hope to add the two women’s pages today.

I find it exciting that women do this sort of thing, do you?

I love my girls and doing my own stuff, but there is something about AI images I like, and it gives another avenue to my blog. I feel now that I do vintage, current, and bang up to date! Oh yes…. I am right modern me you know!…

Between them the produce fantastic AI art, just in case you missed it, here is the start of the story…


Artist 64 ~Steamy Bedtime

As you know I try to keep most of my blog my own…by that I mean the vast majority is using my own team of girls and my own studio and other areas I have.

But I also do vintage….that’s huge! As well as that I try to use contributors to fill any gaps in my skills…, I do not need a million! In my mind I just need a few, thank you very much….chuckle.

I am old, 73 this year, and it is too late for me to become a computer whizz kid! I feel I am at the forefront of technology doing what I do!

Enter AI….I think it fabulous with so many possibilities. But by the time I understood it, I would be a pile of ash in an urn! It makes more sense to carry on doing what I do, and use others for AI.

So….I use people who do understand it ….and give me permision to use their images, problem fixed.

Obviously they need their own credit, just like my bottom lip comes out when people pass my work off as their own, these people would feel the same.

I already have TradCP….

I need two more to get variety.

Hence… some friends from X.

A little bit about them…

Not only are they on X, thay have much more going on, a good place to start is here..

It is the website of Judy and Steve. Find out more, or get in touch, via their About Us page, or take a look at their social media links. We’re new to blogging and excited to have an outlet to talk about some of our ideas.

But for me, it is their fabulous AI Art, here are some samples, which will grow as time goes by, ideally in stories too.


Excitingly, the are going to edit some of my photos, I am looking forward to those!

Here are some samples…

More to come, I hope…


Batch Two from TradCP – Another ten fine plump bottoms to vote for…

Each month, or so, I load up a set of these for the art page of TradCP, I am a fan of his work, you can see his art and stories here…

Click here…


Last months winner….and January for the calendar 2025 is…

Here are another 10 to vote for, please vote in the comments, pick your 1,2 and 3…thank you.

Batch 2 will have numbers 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 etc




My number 2 this month


My number one this month







my number 3 this month


2/1 – 3

2/2 – 1

2/3 – 1

2/4 – 4 WINNER


2/6 – 1




2/10 – 2

Thank you for voting!


Artist Number – 63 ~ TradCP

Unusual name hasn’t he? But if you think of what we share you can work it out. This will be page one, here you will find his bio, his art, and his stories. As he grows he will get more pages, but not yet, because as he develops they would just be blank.


AI = Artificial Intelligence…..there is nothing artificial about this chap’s intelligence. A true spanking devotee, he does this very modern art, all self taught. He writes stories, and he spanks naughty girls for real. And more, as you will see on his other page, (directions to that later.)

I feel very fortunate, I posted a photo of Charlotte being spanked in jeans, on ‘X’, and within days its views and likes etc had gone mad, people were writing to me….”more please, there is not enough spanking of the female clothed bottom”.

So I am addressing that!

As always, I listen to what my followers say, so I went of to investigate, a few were okay, but then….almost secret and modestly tucked away, in the gentle shadows of ‘X’ was this man. I approached him and he agreed to be my latest contributor, to learn more about him, read his work, and visit his school, click on ‘Links and Contributors’ in the menu bar at the top of this page, then click on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down to his page.

But in here, it is his art, and stories, sit back, relax, and enjoy the glory of the bottoms he creates. First of all though, you need to know a little about him, I asked him to write a bio for me…


I have been asked whether I would write a small bio for the site. Well here goes. I am pretty ordinary really, in my fifties with a job I love and an interest in female CP that has been with me for just about forever. 

I have often questioned myself about how the interest in spanking began. I know many put it down to an early experience that some how moulds us.  For me it’s been there forever. Like many I used to hunt out phrases in books or comics and marvel at some of the westerns where a spanking scene was mixed with comedy. The heroine spanked soundly by the hero… we all recognize that I am sure. 

I grew up in a very loving and liberal household and the schools I attended never used any form of corporal punishment, so to be catapulted where I am today took two different people both had a massive influence on my spanking life. One of these people was my very own sister. 

We moved to a new area and she attended an all girls school. A school that used CP effectively. She managed to get the slipper on her first week there. She is only a few years younger than me and being a bit of a tomboy back then she easily bound to get into trouble at some point. 

She was caught smoking on the way home from school. And was told she would be slippered the following morning along with her friend. The friend called for her the following morning looked as worried as my sister and watching two plump tightly trousered bottom walk down the garden path that day knowing that a slipper would be landing shortly is an abiding memory.

They were slippered and my sister told me about it in great detail. I should have guessed then she was a spanking enthusiast too lol. She would tell me about her punishments and that of her friends. These memories have spurred me on to write a few stories which are pretty much factual. The photos I produce are based on some of those stories and on the uniform of her home counties school. She’s still a spanking and is in a DD relationship and is regularly “Dealt with”. 

About this time I started keeping a notebook with jottings and a few stories. Nothing to profound but just my thoughts on female CP and interesting facts I came across. This book was accidentally discovered by a family friend who was a good bit older than me. She became a big influence on my spanking life. I won’t say too much on her here  but I have written an account of events that explain why she became important. I will send that on to Asa for inclusion 

By my mid twenties I was firmly planted within the spanking world. I had been honest in all my relationships and it was never a problem, in fact quite the opposite. I put all my girlfriends over my knee at some point and never had a single complaint. Eventually I met my wife, the love of my life and a real soulmate. We entered into a DD marriage that worked like a dream. I have never believed in controlling someone and I would never want to stifle someone’s spirit. We just believed I should take the lead and that if she deserved a spanking , she got one …. She got plenty lol. Very sadly I lost her in a tragic accident. I was heartbroken and never really got over it. Happy memories now but it was hard. 

CP and spanking then of course took a back seat and I threw myself into my work in the heritage sector. Part of my work was as a photographer and that inadvertently led back to spanking. A friend who was model was asked to do some spanking work and asked me to take a few photos of her to send to the magazine. 

She never took the assignment but it gave me a new found interest. I also acted as her disciplinarian. This wasn’t planned but did lead to other requests from ladies that need a fair but firm hand. I still see some of those today. I have made lifelong friends through this interest, something I am extremely grateful for. 

Some of the people I have met through spanking have been fascinating to say the least. Sisters, ladies from the WI, a rich Italian gentleman with a yacht that had an all  female crew who were regularly spanked on deck!, Girls at uni who need help studying and a very famous actress who will have to remain nameless. 

I converted a room at home into a 1950’s Headmaster’s study. That gets regular use with miscreants stood outside eating for “Six of the Best””.  I also have part ownership of a livery yard. The girls there have all felt the slipper recently. So all in all spanking is still a big part of my life. 

My other great spanking love is collecting factual accounts. I am lucky as my job gives me access to many records that the public would not see. I have found many punishment books over the years. Mostly from schools but also a couple from finishing schools. It’s amazing how many females felt the slipper and cane across their bottoms. One of my late friends was a Headmistress who gave me loads of information and instances of the use of CP. The slipper I still use today was the one she used in her girls school. It has an amazing pedigree lol. 

I would like you to add these accounts are historical. I definitely believe spanking is only for consenting adults. Spanking in schools was banned. That was a good thing. 

So to finish, I am still very much involved in the spanking world in my small way. The last spanking I gave was at the weekend.  I still act as a disciplinarian to people I like and that will continue as long as I am good at what I do. If a woman needs her bottom smacking then it should happen but if she needs some understanding and someone to talk to instead I will be there for that to. 

I am having great fun on the site and will add more stories and pics when I can. The AI is in its infancy but I am getting there and I am beginning to be able to manipulate images which wasn’t possible a few months ago, so watch this space. 

I am happy to answer any questions and am happy to be contacted as everyone here seems to be so nice. 

Best wishes 



As you know, I like my football. This reminds me of a scout, finding a brilliant player in a Sunday League Amateur Side, I bring him back here to my League Two Side, (I know m place on the internet and am happy with it!)

He will grow, and get noticed, and probably a bigger blog, or site, maybe even a publisher wanting covers for books (like I do with my photos) will pluck him away. I won’t mind at all, good look to them all, (I am just a humble stepping stone).

But for now, lets enjoy his work on here…

THE ART OF TRAD CP (scroll down for his stories)


He sends me the photos in batches, I pick my favourite three. Why not join in, and pick your top three?…just click on ‘comment’, you have to put you e-mail address in, but only me can see it, and I might write back….if you do not want me to write, just say so in your comment, and make me feel sad and unwanted!….lol


Batch One…











My favourite!!!!


A very close second favourite, I love how the heat of her spanked bottom is shining through….inspired!










My third favourite…it is the line of the cheeks…..superb!

Batch Two.….I will pick my top three from these too, so please join in.

Click here to see batch 2…

Voting now finished.

Batch Three….voting now open…


I hope to count votes each month and next year we will have a calendar with comments by me on the monthly winners.

Batch votes so far…





In the event of a draw, I choose.

These have finished now, I expected things to develop more between us, and perhaps have him do some work with my girls, and even visit for a photo shoot. But sadly things just dwindled away somewhat.


NUMBER ONE… Sharon is Caught Smoking

Click here…

Story Number Two

Click here…

Story Number Three

Click here…

Story Number Four

Part One

Click here…

Part Two…was been added to the above on, 16th June 2024

Part Three is being written, I will notify you of its progress.

Like I said above, things faded somewhat between us and did not develop as I hoped.

However, he still sends stuff, and I will do things differently now.



Just added a new piece of art work to artist No 60 ~ Tom Paine

To see the rest, click here…

Now to add it to the story, ‘Mary and the Granite lady.’

Click here…

That is what I will be doing later in the day, sat in my study, classical music playing, and developing the story. I will let you know when it is in.

Almost at the spanking!


Just updated the wonderful art work of Tom Paine…

Click here to see more…

The ‘Granite Lady’ begins to march Mary to her form room for a spanking.

The story of ‘Mary and the Granite Lady’ will soon be continued. I’ll let you know when. It was very well received by you, but Tom and I had a few issues with the art work. All is sorted now. Just one more artwork to correct and add, and we will be ready. Our apologies, we just wanted it to look and read our best for you.

Here is a link…


Two beautiful works of art for the ‘Inveigle’, by Tom Paine

To understand what the ‘Inveigle’ is, click on Photo Story 26

In return for the work I am putting into to his art page…

click here… (It is under development, but coming along nicely…

…a grateful Tom has offered to do some art work for my story,

Here is one of the Inveigle Maids, getting into trouble after dropping a vase…

And here are the consequences of her actions…

Two superb pieces of spanking art from a great artist, whom I predict will go on to great things. I am honoured that he chose my site to present his art to the world. Thank you Tom.


Tom Paine Update…

We are back on track, taking our time to get things right. Tom has just signed off his first piece…

This means his art page (N0-60) is back up and running.

click here…

And the story ‘Mary and the Granite Lady’

Click here…

He is also back on the Wiki Page… under the name Paine Tom (just in case you looked for Tom!

I am there too, if you search for Asa Jones
