In Three’s, Number 15 – Part One

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When you get to the end of this part, do the same, but when you reach part six, all the rest of the parts are all one click from there…


As you know by now, my three senior girls, Charlotte, Kate and Samantha, run a disciplinary service. This is the day they met a new plaything, after many , many e-mails arranging and gaining trust.

She had no idea what was in store, but had said she wanted very little limits, and had a very high pain threshold, she actually craved pain on her bottom, the harder and longer the better.

No wonder they looked so pleased to see her…

There are a few photos prior to this, but she asked for her face not to be shown. She also asked to be shown no mercy, and to be treated like a slut, and told what to do. It goes without saying that she was treated with politeness, reassurance, and courtesy. Then she entered room 1.

It began immediately, and as often happens, Samantha took charge.

“Thank you for dressing so nicely slut. Now remove your clothes, we need your bottom bare for the day!”

She was taken aback, but did as commanded.

With trembling fingers she began to strip, her dream of being a naked female, before three beautiful clothed women, was finally becoming real.

more to come…


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