Gibson’s Curio No-1 ~ A group of St.Trinians, a victorian dildo, and a Painting!

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Asa’s intro…

As you all know by now, female masturbation is quite a close second to spanking for me and my naughty mind. You also know that I have a passion for Victorian times and I deal in antiques a little. In one of my photo sets and a video, you see Charlotte dressed as a maid, using an antique dildo.

Here is the smooth, expertly shaped, smooth wooden Victorian Dildo that Charlotte demonstrated for us.

Coming across this article on my blog, stirred a memory for Mr.Gibson…

“…. it is easy to become quite lost in your maze Mr.Jones – this happened to me and to my er, shocked delight came upon this antique dildo being demonstrated by Charlotte. Which triggered a memory of an interesting spectacle some years ago when it was found that, at lunchtime,s hordes of St Trinian type schoolgirls were seen clustered around a painting at the Tate Gallery, near the Embankment in London, eventually it had to be taken down.

It is by Laurence Alma-Tadema titled ‘Tepidarium 1881’ and features  what appears to be a nymph in a spa, her cheeks clearly flushed from a post coital type encounter, holding aloft a supposedly scraper for ‘strigling’, yes do look it up.

Clearly though to the experienced eye it is something quite close to the above first illustration I came upon in Asa’s maze, and had just been used to produce the flushed state of the nympho-slut depicted to the innocent and somewhat bewildered delight of St Trinians – I add that I noticed, as needless to say I was on a cultural top-up visiting the Tate at the time, that some of the bolder girls were in the gallery shop that contains all sorts of reproduction depictions from the displays, asking if there were such ‘strIglers’ available – had I the temerity, that now comes with maturity, I would have been able to direct or indeed to escort them to a specialist emporium in Soho….

Incidentally the painting was not seen for a while – it now, I believe, looks like this in the postcards offered for sale.

more to come….


Asa’s note….I think with the skill of Cromlech, and my girls, we can come up with a school visit to the gallery and their subsequent spankings for making loud rude comments!

2 thoughts on “Gibson’s Curio No-1 ~ A group of St.Trinians, a victorian dildo, and a Painting!

  1. Kate also had an interesting time with a polished Victorian Dildo. Possibly my favourite set.
    Oh to be a Victorian Dildo pre-use polisher and after use cleaner

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