Gibson’s Curiosities – Number 10 ~ a challenge for Chromlech, concerning Suzette.

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Mr Gibson comes up with all sorts and he has come up with this offering for us…

…” Whilst Suzette (Our beautiful slim, studio submissive), may find attractive the  prospect of resting her sweet head here, below, after her exertions.

…I’m more inclined to accept her ‘any requests’ offer for her to imagine herself kneeling at the foot of this bed, knee on each cushion, arms stretched  and back arched”.

“…well……. you chaps  will get the idea!” Mr Gibson coughs.


Frankly though the reason for this is that ultimate in furnishings featured recently behind “Mr G’s Red Curtains” – yes Asa, you have spotted them, those lusted after Savonarola chairs – further fanfare…the girls could be sitting there, leather riding crops in hand, patiently awaiting their turn – yes the mind can become fanciful!

It sure can Mr.Gibson….and you have encouraged mine. When I saw this it reminded me that I have not shot at my friend John’s house for a while. He has a curiously beautiful, interesting home, with its own air raid shelter, a theatre in his garden, secret passage and secret doors, and a room on the top floor, which, although it cannot rival the opulence of the above photo, does offer this, right up on the top floor…

So I went to see him yesterday, he looks like an artist who you might find working with Picasso, a lovely man. He collects curios and his house is like a museum, crammed full with everything and anything!

To cut a long story short, I can never visit for less than two hours, he is far too interesting, ….after a long cosy chat and few cups of tea, it is arranged.

…provisionally for August, me and my girls are off there for a shoot. And spanking of course!



Now, as you know, Mr.Chromlech (our resident male sub), is an absolute whizz at Photo-Shop

Fancy a challenge Chrommy?….

See if you can delight Mr.Gibson, Suzette, and myself, by fitting her and any other of my girls, or none….as you wish….into the photo of that beautiful blue room.

more to come…
