A Fly on the Wall in a Girl’s Boarding School…

Suzette, is off to Boarding School.

This as you know is my type of Boarding School, I have written many stories of ‘Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls’, where there are lots of short skirts and caned bare bottoms. Here is Suzette, our resident submissive who loves nothing better than baring her beautiful pert bottom before class for a good spanking or more.

But there is another Boarding School I am interested in, it is called ‘Oaks and Pines.’

It is more traditional and realistic than mine I suppose, and I think it will appeal to the type who prefer that sort of thing.

A dear friend of mine ‘B’ writes stories for me, and also runs what is probably the worlds most in depth, realistic, spanking role play game.

I kid you not, this game is totally immersive. I used to play myself, but it was so good that I was in danger of spending too much time on it and my blog being neglected. Yes…it is that good.

Click on ‘Links and Contributors’ in the menu above to find it.

Suzette often puts comments on my posts, and to say the least, they are very, very good, well written comments. Lots of you are reading them, and some are leaving more comments because of them. I want to encourage her writing, she has a book or two inside I think.

This is my plan…

Suzette is joining the game…poor Oaks and Pines, they have no idea what is about to befall them! I hope as time goes by, that a few more of my club, and hopefully some of you who will read of her time there, might play too.

She is going to feed back to me, her adventures. I will take photos, of a serious nature to suit, and post them along with her writing. I hope to bring Oaks and Pines alive for you, so we can peep inside.

They run a chat room, where, if summoned to the Headmistresses’ Office, you have to go. This to me is the most realistic part of the game. An appointment is made, you have to keep it. The person, or persons spanking you write one line….you write back. If there are witnesses, they might write too.

The school is huge, it has lessons and the local town etc plays a part. The game is immense. I hope that after reading a few of her reports, that you give it a go.

Watch this space. She will be enrolling soon, and setting up her character. She will be instructed how to play. The new term starts in September.


I am also going to write some adventures for a retro Saint Helena High School For Wayward Girls. The photos there will be black and white, and for Oaks and Pines, in colour.

I need a uniform…

It will have green and silver tie, and knee length green socks. I know it is not the proper Oaks and Pines uniform, but it will do for my representation of it. And will also be perfect for my retro story.

I am getting top quality attire from…


If any of you are looking for authentic adult school clothes, boys and girls, I can think of no better place for you to go.

More to come

Asa and Suzette.

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