The Four Naughtiest Girls in the School ~ Part 3

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It was about two weeks before the half term holiday, so far, their punishment book had four punishments, as you have seen. The girls went on a school trip to London, to the British Museum. In total 36 girls and four members of staff went, at the end of the day, four girls were missing. Can you guess who? I am sure you can.

It transpires that the four girls had spent around half an hour in the museum, and then they had gone window shopping, and ended up in a public house, in their uniforms. The got served too, I am going to get the name of the pub off them, and report the Public House to the Police.

The four girls have been taken to the Punishment Room by my secretary, and put in position. I arrive around ten minutes later, I hear chatter and giggles as I approach.

I open the door quietly, and then shout at the top of my voice “QUIET!!!!”

Instant calm.

“Get back into our positions now.”

All four dashed back to the spanking bench, and stood quietly.

“It seems I can recognise you from behind easier than I can when you face me! I am seeing so much of you bent over!” I said sternly.

All four chuckled.

Once again…”Quiet!!!”

“Bend over!”

I walked to the right of the sorry little row, and lifted Samantha’s Gym Slip.

Then Charlotte’s.


And finally Kate’s.

I walked back to the start of the line of miscreants and lowered Samantha’s school knickers.

Then Charlotte’s…

Then Suzette’s….

Once again the last one was Kate.

“Samantha, wiggle your bottom, whilst saying ‘I am a naughty girl’, repeatedly until your knickers fall to your ankles.”

The knickers slid down to…..”I am a naughty girl, I am a naughty girl….

Then each girl did it in turn…..finishing with Kate’s School knickers falling in a heap at her ankles.

“Bend your knees to touch the spanking bench…all of you.” I said as I swished my senior cane.

“”I am going to punish you for your disgraceful behavior at the museum, eight strokes each. This will be followed by a further four strokes for underage drinking in school uniform. I will then give you all, three at a time until you tell me the name of the public house!”

The girls gasped…

More to come…


2 thoughts on “The Four Naughtiest Girls in the School ~ Part 3

  1. Do you know, I think you might be right! Unfortunately, I have not shot the next bit yet, so it could be a wait for you…sorry.

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