Photos Set ~ 518, this is part of photo set 510 ~ Boarding School Punishments – Samantha ~ Part 3

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I am very sorry to tell you all that Samantha did not learn her lessons from her first two visits and after a few weeks she found herself once more feeling nervous, and full of trepidation, in my study, for being a very naughty girl indeed, and with no good excuse for it. She was found smoking a cigarette with two other girls, behind the bike shed. Worse than that, she had skipped a P.E. Lesson, feigning chronic period pain, to do so! She was not on her period, and has admitted it.

“You! Young lady, are a very naughty girl indeed. Smoking under age in school time, and missing a lesson to do so, by telling blatant lies! Have you anything to say for yourself or will it be another barrage of mindless mutterings from a girl in your position, who…I might add, has been here for spankings twice already this term!….hmmmm……well???”

“I am sorry Mr.Jones, I have no excuse.”

“Oh stop the quivering lip girl! You have tried your amateur dramatics twice in the past and you know very well that it makes no difference to me. You are getting a dozen with the size 15 plimsol. I will not be holding back either.”

She sighed, and bit her lip.

“Put your bag down there, by the punishment desk.” I said in a strict tone.

The nervous girl put it in a ridiculous place and I sighed heavily in annoyance and put it to one side. “Now then, pull out the stool please, and stand by it.”

“Now pull out the stool to a distance where you can squeeze in, sit down, and bend right over the desk please.” I carried on.

“Yes Mr.Jones Sir.”

“Now sit down.”

“Thank you Sir.” She smiled, and sat.

I was going to say something like…”It is not an invitation to sit for a cup of tea, you silly girl.” But I could see she was frightened and didn’t.

So she sat, unsure of what to do, and how, she gripped her bottom like she had already been spanked. Nervous expectancy I suppose.

“Lean right forward and push your bottom out for me Samantha.”

“Yes Mr.Jones.”

“I am now going to lift your gym slip up, so keep your feet on the rail and push up.” Once again I spoke in a matter of fact way, with short clear instructions. It is easy for a nervous girl to get confused at this moment, so clarity is needed.

“Yes Sir.” She replied in her immaculate manners and voice. Her good upbringing and correct Oxford English accent shone through.

The target she was slowly presenting for a good spanking looked quite wonderful in her tight fitting navy blue knickers.

“Excellent Samantha, now push your bottom right out for me.”

She wiggled and pushed her bottom towards me.”Yes Sir.”

I think I will let you savour the navy blue knickers on Samantha’s beautiful bottom for a while, I do not want to spoil you too much. It will be bared in the next part.

more to come…


8 thoughts on “Photos Set ~ 518, this is part of photo set 510 ~ Boarding School Punishments – Samantha ~ Part 3

  1. Ahoy,
    Back from my travels, what have I missed?
    Oh wow a demure yet naughty Samantha about to get some corrective maintenance.
    I am intrigued to see how this will pan out with her sat on the stool. She knows the consequences and yet still she is back for more (thank goodness for us). I don’t think you were truly “sorry to tell us”
    Roue – ah yes another nod to my formative magazine years.
    As for the 3 girls and their slut. Oh the look of sadistic mischief on Kate’s face in photo 1 – enough to make any one go weak at the knees be they voyeuristic watcher or the pet about to undergo the punishment. Both weak at the knees but for polar opposite reasons. The sadistic ladies heels’ draw out their calf’s beautifully and add to the air of their authority.
    Finally who can ever resist a photo set with the delightful Suzette. A Lady who was born to be spanked and she never disappoints, both in pictures and words. I hope we get to read about her feelings as requested.
    Wonderful observations from Mr D. Well done Sir!
    Hope everyone has a spanking good week.

  2. Thank you for the round up Fishmeister…good input. I hope you have had a good little break.

  3. Hello Polite-boy, nice to have you here from Twitter/X….keep commenting on my posts like this and who knows who or where you might end up with. I saw your baking photos….excellent! lets see what words you can ‘cook up’ on here.

  4. Great photo-set Asa. Building up nicely and I’m spoiled for choice as to which photo I could use for a background image on my laptop. Can’t wait for the ‘unveiling’….and more hopefully. Credits to model and photographer, and thanks.

  5. Thank you David, glad to have a photo as your background image, I am honoured. The photos with her knickers down in his position will make you tremble….trust me!

  6. Samantha looks every bit the demure schoolgirl in her green gymslip and blazer, holding her hockey stick and school bag. However, we’re not fooled as we know just how naughty she can be, and indeed has been!
    The following sequence of photos, in which she reveals her tight navy knickers are most stimulating. My favorite colour for school knickers! I can hardly wait to see her knickers taken down and her lovely cheeks turning pink with the application of your size 15 primsol, Asa. Hats off to the beautiful Samantha who plays the part so well!!!

  7. Well said MarkB, the expectancy and wait are always worth it, and yes, she is a brilliant spanking model, who delivers what we all want.

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