New Cromlechville…

An introduction…

How women end up here, nobody really knows, but what usually happens, is that they stay for a long time, many deciding not to go back to whence they came.

Some say that women who think of spanking naughty boy’s bottoms a lot, give off a kind of scent, and the scent is pulled towards the Matriachs of New Cromlechville, as if by a giant magnet.

Lets create a character, she needs a name, and I rather like Felicity, it sounds old, yet could easily be a retro name plucked into the modern world. She is attractive and in her mid 20’s.


Felicity had been sacked, not made redundant, but sacked, for sexual misconduct. She was a first line manager and as such had to do staff appraisals of the young men in the Call Centre where she worked at the time. One young man in his late teens had been nothing but trouble, and trying to manage people at her tender age, especially men, was difficult to say the least.

It was her own fault, she had been brilliant at calling the companies who had fleets of company vehicles, and by a mixture of flirting and a good knowledge of cars, which she had always been interested in, had seen her sell vans, lorries and prestige vehicles. two years ago she had won Employee of the Year.

What a fall from grace she had.

Shehad filled the appraisal form in and read back what she had written.

The man objected, and she said, half joking, that she would make it a lot better if he let her spank him! Very bold, and the inexperience of life, and reading far too many spanking novels had led her to a silly mistake. he said he wanted to think about it, and could he have a cup of tea.

She went for two cups, feeling very excited, and in her absence he set his phone to record. She came back in feeling very dominant and said some silly things, that were recorded in all their glory.

She was reported by him and her Disciplinary Tribunal ended up with her being dismissed. Her life felt ruined, she had been on tablets for two months. The job offers she had had were poor, and many refused to employ her when they read what she had done anyway.

Last night she had cried herself to sleep. She lived in Manchester and felt a long way from her family home. She decided to pay them a surprise visit and break the news to her proud parents. What a shock it would be to them.

They would expect her in her Audi TT, but instead she would turn up in a fifteen year old Vauxhall Astra, a black one, which looked good and was great for its age, despite having over 100,000 miles on the clock.

She locked up her Apartment over the antiques shop, and put a brave face on, and set off. She drove over the Pennines into Derbyshire. The scenery was gorgeous, and she felt peckish. She decided to count six turns right, and then go to the first village and find a cafe or something.

What happened between taking that turning and entering Cromlechville she will never know. But quite out of the blue there was one of the quaintest little towns, mostly built out of local honey coloured carboniferous limestone, she had ever seen. She pulled up on the main street outside the ‘Reading Rooms’. She loved books…spanking books, and little book shops like this could quite possibly have a couple hidden away. Her favourites were the old French ones with beautiful art work. There was an ‘A’Frame with a menu, it must have a cafe too.

A few people, all women smiled at her on the pavement as they passed by her car as she locked it. “Morning, another lovely day.” one of them said.

It was too, perfectly splendid in fact.

She walked into the bookshop of her dreams, a veritable emporium. Little corridors, stairways, reading lamps, the smell of coffee, and best of all…the smell of toasted teacakes!…with a hint of cinnamon. “Yum, yum, spank a bare bum!” She whispered to herself. “I am going to have a latte, and a toasted tea cake.”

She walked over to a woman of a similar age to herself, who was sat reading, and eating a scone with jam and cream. Drinking what looked like a beer, through a straw! “Excuse me, where is the counter? I can smell some lovely smells, but cannot see where to buy stuff!”

She casually looked down at the book the girl was reading, and could not believe her eyes which had both widened as big as the pretty plate that had the scone on. But most of all the bookmark caught her eye!

Not making the slightest effort to hide the book, the girl gently closed it and said….”Go under that archway, and follow the smell to Miss Kenworthy.”

She was so lovely, and immediately kindness radiated from the young woman, who took a sip of her beer, and re-opened her book, smiled, and looked down. Felicity stopped, and turned back, “I am ever so sorry, I do not want to sound rude, and make it seem that I was looking at what I probably shouldn’t, but that book, where do I find that section?”

The girl laughed. “New eh?”

“Yes, I have just drove in, never been here before, I mean this place.”

The girl giggled. Thought for a few seconds and then said… “You will find them on every shelf, floor to ceiling and on every floor. Collectible spanking books, and rarities are on the top floor. Ask Miss Kenworthy, she knows everything there is to know about…” She held the book up…”Spanking naughty boys and men.”

She knew for certain she was not dreaming. Before going to find the food and drink she asked….”I never, noticed the name, where am I?”

“You are in the Blushing Buns Cafe. Pink and red icing on delicious buns are a Speciality of Miss Kenworthy.”

“Really?!….and the town?”

“Cromlechville” The woman smiled her reply, “Sounds a bit like it’s in America, where you might find a super hero, doesn’t it?”

“It does, yes.” laughed Felicity, and followed her nose a few steps and stopped. She turned, and asked. “The book mark, did you buy it here?”

“No.” Laughed the girl.

Felicity frowned, showing her curiosity.

“They are free.”

They both laughed, her first friend, Charlotte had been made.

She went under the arch, and on the left was a white sofa, with another girl, resting on it…reading.

Felicity looked down at the book.

“A good read?” She asked politely.

“Oh yes, first class, its a spanking good read.

She reached the counter.

“Hello, Miss Kenworthy I presume?”

“Correct, may I halp you?” Smiled Miss kenworthy radiantly.

” A latte, and a toasted tea cake please.”

Two hours later, she left the reading room with its charming ‘Blushing Buns’ cafe, and got into her car. To follow the directions Miss kenworthy had given her to a guest house. She looked at her purchase, her reading for tonight.

She smiled a broad smile, put the book down, and drove away.


Every town in the area has a Mayor or Mayoress, New Chromlechville is no exception.

click here…

More to come…


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