Saint Helena Correctional Institute for Unruly Girls ~ 1965 ~ Volume 2

In volume one I concentrated on a group punishment to introduce the girls…

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In this Volume, it will concentrate of individual punishments.

Starting with Charlotte…

Charlotte has an appointment with Miss Kenworthy and knocks on her lovely old oak door, with stained glass, leading in to her Study.

Miss Kenworthy does not answer, she counts to thirty slowly. She hears a second knock and….28…29…30….”Enter!”

This has put pressure on the girl, did she knock hard enough? Does she sound timid, should she wait or knock again?”

She opens the door and walks in…

Miss Kenworthy stands magnificently in her smart attire, her own choice of beautiful clothing to match her hair and skin tone.

Charlotte walks in, looking like all the other girls in the school, and all of a sudden feeling very much a young naughty schoolgirl, whilst Miss Kenworthy stands tall and proud as a woman, of intellect and power.

The fact that she is stood behind her vintage flogging stool with a large rubber soled plimsol in her hand does not bode good tidings, it foretells the opposite.

Miss Kenworthy speaks, slowly, clearly, and full of confidence.

“Ahhhh here she is, Miss Charlotte Elizabeth, the girl who makes her own rules instead of following those set many ears ago as a standard of good behavior. The girls who comes in late, who hands her homework in ….late, who turns up for games and P.E…..LATE!” Sarcasm drips from her tongue like acid. “Come closer dear.”

Charlotte Elizabeth slows down as she approaches the Mighty Miss Kenworthy of Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls.

“What is the matter Charlotte Elizabeth? You seem somewhat reticent. “cat got your tongue, or does the sight of this plimsol and stool make you feel a little nervous?” Her voice is changing somehow, it is more threatening.

“Ahhh the spring to your step returns my dear.” Chuckles Miss Kenworthy. “You will not be walking out like that I assure you young lady!!!” She carries on, “…come along, don’t dilly dally, come closer you naughty girl!”

As Miss Kenworthy seems to grow, so, conversely, Charlotte seems to shrink Like Alice.

“I am going to deal with you young lady, you will leave here with your bottom in great pain and no doubt crying. You have been disobedient and rude to staff. I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT GIRL!!!!!” Her voice is slowly rising through the decibels.

Charlotte begins to quake even more.

A cold silence falls onto the room like a deathly mist in a Shakespeare play.

Charlotte dare not look up.

Miss Kenworthy stands quietly, her delicate fingers running up and down the plimsol.

Round One, and every round, as always, goes to Miss Kenworthy’s corner.

More to come…


8 thoughts on “Saint Helena Correctional Institute for Unruly Girls ~ 1965 ~ Volume 2

  1. Delightful and clever in timing as yes we would indeed want the next stage but no ‘The Master’ deliberately raises the tension – we must wait our imagination racing

    One point. Miss Kenworthy is clearly experienced as most young girls will appreciate being dealt with by someone. who knows how to apply the plimsoll but for greater effect she should moderate her voice – do not raise it, no but lower, it is much more menacing as sweet Charlotte has to lean forward to hear each tinkling seductive word

  2. Wonderful words Mr.Gibson, thank you….’each tinkling seductive word’…..look out for it in a post soon!

  3. F/F
    One of my favourite genres. Even more so with such gorgeous ladies stimulating my mind

  4. Oh yes Fishmiester, I know exactly what you mean…thanks for your mail, happy sailing! And drinking, don’t go dropping overboard!

  5. Miss Kenworth is amazing in this setting ; the ideal headmistress, calm, measured and totally in control.
    Any miscreant brought before her would be in no doubt as to her authority and that you would be dealt with firmly but fairly. Her reputation in the school would be well established: if you were found guilty punishment would be severe.
    Miss Kenworthy does not believe in lines or detentions and favours corporal punishment every time with the slipper or the rod. She thrashes all backsides male and female with skill and enthusiasm. She loves her work and is admired and respected by all.

  6. Sorry Ben, only just seen this…a lovely well written, well thought out comment, thank you

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