All posts by AsaJones

Photo Set 540 ~ Part 5 of Mr Maxwell’s Chair.

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First a little apology. I know you would like photos of Kate being spanked in this story, but there was only me and her, and it is a pain to keep going back to the camera to set the timer between every smack and you cannot guarantee the exact same places.

You will be please to know that I have found a solution to this, but too late for this story. Also, it is for club members only.



The spanking was delivered on Kate’s well presented bottom.

He told her to stand up and place her hands on her head.

He slowly walked around her, keeping his eyes on her voluptuous body.

She glanced at him as he reached the other side of her.

He pointed to the old vintage cafe chair, and asked her to move over to it.

More to come….


Saint Helena Correctional Institute for Unruly Girls ~ 1965 ~ Volume 2 – Part 3

To read the rest, click here…



Sentence had been passed and naughty Charlotte was in position, Miss Kenworthy took a step back to assess the situation, mainly having enough room for a good swing, and was the bottom at the right height.

She decided everything was perfect to give a naughty girl’s bottom a damn good spanking with her plimsoll, so she picked it up, and moved to her side.

She patted her bottom gently with it, and asked…”Ready?”

A nervous reply came back. “Yes Miss I am ready.”

Her full round cheeks clad in tight navy blue cotton made a fine target, and she studied it carefully, taking in the curves of the cheeks and the crack of her bottom, highlighted by the shadow and soft diffused light through the window and screen.

She began to spank…

The unique sound of hard rubber ‘thwopping’ on a knicker clad soft bottom filled her space, and immediately Charlotte let out squeals and began to kick.

Whack, whack, whack…

“Owwww, oooooh eeeeek!” Came the delightful noises that Miss Kenworthy loved and craved to hear.

Charlotte was already finding it hard to keep control, and both legs were kicking as she wriggled and screamed.

Miss Kenworthy stood looking and decided it was time to restrain Charlotte.

“I can see you are trying valiantly to keep in place, but do you see? If I do not restrain you, I could hit you somewhere I do not want to, your kidneys are close for instance. But I am not going to stop yet young lady, this spanking has been no where near long enough. It also needs to be on your bare bottom. So stay there, whilst I pull your knickers down and fix you in position.” She said keeping a stern assertive voice.

Charlotte only had one option. “Yes Miss Kenworthy.” She replied glumly.

more to come…


Samantha Tries the Other Side ~ Part 21

to read the rest, click here…



Samantha walked stiffly from the suspension beam to the cross, as instructed, she was soon tied and told to present her bottom.

Charlotte wanted to keep the momentum going to keep the burning in her bottom at a high. So as soon as she could she continued with the thrashing.

The pain was now intense, burning deep, and at the surface of her cheeks, with equal venom. Charlotte smiled as she saw Samantha eagerly push her bottom out for more. She recognised this point well. She had been there many times…even though it hurts so very much there is nothing you can do to resist pushing up for more, eagerly begging for deeper searing heat.

She hit harder and faster…

CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK…like a cowboy emptying a six gun, Charlotte gave Samantha’s bottom a real thrashing!

She then held the thick stiff heavy tawse against her bottom, as Samantha pumped her groin, making the strap caress her cheeks.

With her pussy thrusting against nothing but fresh air, Samantha was on the lip of the chasm of a deep orgasm, and Chalotte kept her there with all the skill of a virtuoso violinist…

Charlotte watched and waited, suddenly as if a bee had stung, Samantha went into a spasm of a great orgasm, groaning deeply, guttural, and vulgar. She writhed quickly.

“One more as you cum?” Charlotte suggested.

“Yessssssss!” Begged Samantha.

She raise the unforgiving leather, the giver of pain and orgasm, high.


Samantha buckled and went limp, she had almost fainted with her energy all spent on orgasm.

We will leave them to recover.

more to cum


The Toast and the Toasted ~ Part One

The maid of the house was a lovely girl, she had been in the service of Lady Kenworthy for over a year. Despite the difference in class and status, they got on, but each knew… exactly, the order of things.

If Lady Kenworthy was to shout jump, the correct answer would be “How high Ma’am.”

Lady Kenworthy was in charge, she was the top, and Charlotte was the bottom, in everything. Lady Kenworthy in short…ruled, with the rod.

And the birch, the slipper, the cane, the crop, the martinet, and the tawse.

Charlotte’s most common crime was being forgetful, or so she had led Lady Kenworthy to believe. Until one day she found her masturbating with a candle, and in her confessions it came out that 8 out of 10 times, her past punishments had come about with an unquenchable thirst for masturbation distracting her.

Things got worse then, because she now had something new to masturbate about…being punished.

She rather liked it.


It is Wednesday, the time is 11.15 a.m. Miss Kenworthy is waiting for her elevenses, hot buttered toast and a pot of tea. It was supposed to be brought to her at….yes, you are right, eleven o’clock, prompt.

She was becoming irritated and fidgety. “Where the hell is that girl? I am starving.”

She changed positions.

Enough was enough, it was now 11.30.

“Charlotte! Charlotte!…….CHARLOTTE!!!!!” She called loudly.

She soon heard fast footsteps, and Charlotte’s voice. “Oh dear, oh dearie me, oh dear! Coming Mistress, Coming!”

At 11.38 she was stood before her Mistress.

“Well?” Asked Lady Kenworthy.

Charlotte sort of swung from side to side, not sure what to say.

“Errrrm Good Morning Mistress, isn’t it a lovely day.”She said sweetly catching sight of herself in the mirror.

“Good God girl! TOAST!!!! Where the devil is my toast, and tea…it was supposed to be here at 11 o’clock. It was only last week I spanked you for forgetting it!” Boomed Lady Kenworthy.

“Oh…oh yes…the toast.”

Lady Kenworthy took a deep breath. “It is no good looking at your refelction for help is it?”

“No Ma’am.”

“SO… here we are once again young lady, in trouble, hanging your head in shame.” Lady Kenworthy said in a matter of fact tone.

“Yes ma’am.”

Very calmly, in fact too calmy, thought Charlotte. Lady Kenworthy told her to go and cut six slices of bread, get some butter, and a knife and bring them.

On her return, Lady Kenworthy told Charlotte to skewer two pieces on a crook handle cane, and toast them

Which Charlotte did, daintily. As Lady Kenworthy watched, silently.

more to come…


Tales from the Detention Room – 1 – Part 1

We have a new detention room, let the visits begin.


Miss Kenworthy took pride in her new Detention Room, on the day she opened it, she came in early to ensure it was all as it should be, and read through the reports on who was coming and why.

It was no great surprise to her to see that naughty Charlotte was the first girl to come for punishment.

She waited patiently and then heard a knock. “Come in!”

Charlotte entered.

She was used to being stood before Miss Kenworthy, but it had done little to steady her nerves, she knew very well how strong and accurate she could be. Her main worry was what implement she would use.

Miss Kenwothy stared her down.

“It is no surprise to me young lady, that you are the first girl in here for punishment.”

Charlotte looked to the floor.

“Remove your knickers and hang them on the knicker pegs please.”

“Yes Miss.” Replied Charlotte looking to where Miss Kenworthy pointed.

Charlotte took a deep breath and began to lower her knickers.

Poor Charlotte had just been spanked in the Victorian set. We had a cup of tea, and she got changed, but her bottom was still red.

more to come…

Here is a little bonus…

I talk the girls through the story and explain why and what is happening. I get the girls to repeat the characters words. I had just said….’ Kenworthy Miss is not surprised to see naughty Charlotte as the first visitor…..”

Charlotte laughed, and said….”I’m not either!” Which is of course not in the script. We all laughed….

She turned to me. “Ooops, does that mean I am getting the first Model Spanking?”

“Yes!” I replied.

At the end of the shoot she had a sound spanking before a giggling Samantha.

I have to keep up standards!


AI story update…

My AI team is in place, I have, alphabetically…

Rose Blanche, Steamy Bedtime, and TradCP.

You will find them here…

They are artists numbers…63, 64, and 65.

You might go and they are not added yet, I have to wait for a page to go live before I add it….you are right on the button reading this….I have been busy talking to them and getting it all set up. I hope to add the two women’s pages today.

I find it exciting that women do this sort of thing, do you?

I love my girls and doing my own stuff, but there is something about AI images I like, and it gives another avenue to my blog. I feel now that I do vintage, current, and bang up to date! Oh yes…. I am right modern me you know!…

Between them the produce fantastic AI art, just in case you missed it, here is the start of the story…
