Cromlech…the Naughtiest Boy in School – Part 2

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Hello again, once more I have had a very busy week, especially with discipline. It never seems to ease up! So this week I came out with rather a good idea. Or rather, the excellent Miss Kenworthy did.

It has come to my attention at various meetings in the last couple of weeks that the main problem is with older boys, especially the usual suspect, Cromlech. He is now spanked or caned almost every week.

His last spanking did him a lot of good, do you remember when his mother came to visit him at school with her hairbrush, to spank him before the girls whose bottoms he had pinched? Followed by dragging him by the ear across the playground at home time, to her car, whacking his bare bottom at almost every step! Well that taught him a very good lesson, we did not hear a peep out of him for days!

I sat with Miss Kenworthy, my Head of Discipline, and she suggested that because he was punished before girls, and they laughed at his wriggling and squealing, the humiliation might have played a good part, and that for boys….NAUGHTY BOYS!….it ought to be more regular.

So, I decided that Prefect Girls can punish the naughtiest of boys.

It was no surprise that yesterday, he was back to his old ways and he dropped a frog down the back of a girl’s blouse. The poor girl was so distraught, that I sent her home with a letter of apology to her parents and the assurance that he would be dealt with severely.

So once again he found himself in the punishment room, next door to Miss Kenworthy’s Office. There is an adjoining door and she says that at any sign of trouble with the new arrangement, she will step in. You see, it was the first day of my new Female Prefect deterrent.

I asked him to report to Miss Kenworthy’s Office.

Waiting next door was Charlotte, Samantha and Stephanie.

Miss Kenworthy told him to undress.below his waist. So his shoes, socks, trousers and underwear were removed.

Then he was sent through the door. It began with Charlotte putting him over her knee, for a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking. The punishment room has a window onto the corridor, and within minutes a group of girls were cheering the Prefects on.

I will tell you more soon. But for now, rejoice in the wriggling and squeals of the naughty boy being dealt with by the Prefects and onlooking girls. I believe it will be an excellent deterrent.

Well done Miss Kenworthy.


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