What the Head Girl Saw ~ Chapter 5

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continued…I had lots of girls come to my Study for spankings or the cane and such, but my Head Girl always seemed a little more interested when naughty Charlotte came for attention. It pleased me, and as a sign of my trust for my Head Girl, (because she is such a good trusted girl, and so well liked by all the other girls), I let her get more and more involved with Charlotte.

Charlotte had told a pack of lies to the owner of the tuck shop and to me to try and get out of a spanking. Which she got anyway half an hour ago!

I put her in corner time until Samantha came in, and when she did, I asked Samantha to supervise her as she wrote on the blackboard fifty times, that she must not tell lies. This is a back breaking chore.

She wrote about ten at a time and Samantha was to order her to clean the board and then do the next batch. I left her to it, it is so nice to have a good-hearted, kind girl, that I can trust implicitly.-

After her second batch of ten, Charlotte said. “That’s twenty done, oh it is making my back ache, can I straighten up for a minute?”

“No! You may not, I like to see your bottom stuck out you naughty girl, and anyway, you have miscounted, that is only ten!” Samantha smirked, feeling full of power.

Charlotte began the second lot of ten again, fuming inside.

When she finished she looked to Samantha again, “Shall I rub out and do the next ten.”

“Yes Charlotte, you may.” Replied Samantha in an aloof tone.

She did the next batch.

Samantha chuckled at Charlotte’s plight. “You are not very neat are you?”

“It’s my back, it’s killing me.”

“How can it be, you have only done ten! You have forty more yet, you had better hurry up before Mr.Jones comes back.

“You bitch!” Charlotte snarled.

“Oh I am going to tell Mr.Jones about that, now hurry up and begin, otherwise you will have not even done your first ten by the time he gets back!” Samantha said cynically.

Charlotte did another ten.

“Stay bent over, clean the board as you are, then carry on you naughty, naughty girl!”


“You will never get ten on there, you have not left room, start again, from the beginning!” Giggled Samantha.

Charlotte was reaching boiling point, and Samantha knew it.

“Carry on you naughty girl, or it will be another red bottom for you. And we don’t want that Charlotte , do we?” Samantha said as she smiled sweetly.

Samantha was used to the Study by now, and she heard a barely audible squeak of a hinge, from a heavy old door down the corridor. Mr.Jones was almost back.

Poor Charlotte stretched and wrote…

Samantha heard footsteps get close to the door. She spoke very loudly. “Come on Charlotte, you have only done ten, I will get in trouble, hurry, stop being awkward!”

“Well at least you have done ten…at last! Mr.Jones will be furious with me!” Samantha began to cry.

“Oh fuck off you big headed spoilt twat, I’m not writing any more, now tell him I have done fifty or I will smash your face in!!!

I stood at the door aghast!

“Charlotte, you naughty horrid girl!” I shouted in a booming voice.

Samantha begged forgiveness and I cuddled her. “Don’t you worry, I know you are as honest as the day is long, you are such a good girl! Dry your tears.” I got my handkerchief out and dabbed her eyes.

“She called me a biitch and all sorts of horrid names, I’m not am I? I am just trying to help you and my school Mr.Jones.” Cried Samantha.

It nearly broke my heart to hear her. I consoled her and gave her some sweeties.

I turned to Charlotte, “As for you, you nasty horrid girl, get to the vaulting horse for a damn good bare bottom caning!”

Charlotte spluttered and begged and talked nonsense about Samantha being a cruel liar. “Shut up this instant! I do not believe a word. There is only one liar here, only one naughty girl, and only one girl getting a couple of dozen strokes of the cane on her backside! NOW GET TO THE HORSE!!!!”

Samantha was behind me, I never saw her blob her tongue out or stick two fingers up at Charlotte.

more to come


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