Robyn’s Erotic Words – 29/8 ~ Spanking Furniture, continued…

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Many traditional  school punishments, such as a slippering or a caning, were delivered by just instructing a naughty pupil to ‘bend over and touch your toes’:

Two collages from a ‘Firmhand Spanking’ series ‘English Education’ starring Niki Flynn, Samantha Woodley and Miss Hastings. Here it’s more a case of ‘bend over and place your hands on your knees’ than ‘touch your toes’!

Whilst ‘touching toes’ is very simple, many pupils would find holding such a position whilst being slippered or caned difficult. Some form of support would be required to keep them stable and prevent them from jumping up. However, there was very little need for specialist spanking furniture in schools, as most classrooms, headmistress’/headmaster’s studies and school gymnasiums were full of suitable furniture across which recalcitrant pupils could be bent for punishment. 

Traditional school desks were ideal for the purpose as shown in this old but rather fetching Janus magazine photo featuring a traditional school desk:

Ella Hughes bent over an old school desk awaiting punishment in a ‘Well-Smacked Seat’ video:

Here are some rather delightful photos from three Blushes photostories. The first are from a story entitled ‘Stepping Stones’. The old sloping pupil’s desk with bench seat is ideal for positioning the girl’s bottom for a caning:

As far as many spankophiles are concerned there is nothing quite like the sight below – imagine walking into your study to be confronted by a naughty young lady, her bottom bared, bent across your desk awaiting punishment. Which of the various implements laid out on the desk will you use first?!

A real schoolgirl-style caning in progress. She grips onto the edge of the desk for ‘grim death’, hoping upon hope that the headmistress won’t exceed 8 strokes ( Sorry! I’m a bit anal when looking at caning images – I like to count the number of strokes received!). She has, however, been rather naughty, so who knows… it might just be a dozen strokes this time?! Ouch!

One of my favourite all-time vintage spanking films is ‘Room 2D’ by ‘Roue Films’, made in the 1980s:

In this film, a young  lady, going under the name of ‘Lucy Palmer,’ plays a schoolgirl who has upset the school choir master by spilling a pile of hymn books, disrupting the choir practice. She is summoned to the ‘punishment room.’

She is prepared by another male teacher for punishment. He instructs her to raise her skirt and slowly pulls down her knickers to her thighs. She is then told to lay bare-bottom over the desk, grasping the edges, buttocks high. He then leaves the room.

After an agonising wait, the music teacher, a Mr. Clark enters the room. After scolding her, he begins a hand spanking to warm her up for a sound caning. He lays on 12 increasingly severe strokes. He delivers them slowly, circling her in between each stroke. She looks terrified as her eyes follow his every move.

More to come…


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