Back to Normal…

I am working on the Victorian Finishing School story today, later in the day actually, up in my study, away from the world…

…click here to see the start of the story

Since the Wikipedia site for spanking…

…click here

…honoured me by deciding to use many of my photos on their pages, I am also represented there, just click on artists, (which includes photographers) and look for my name. My visitor numbers have soared.

A casual visitor goes to look at, for e.g. ‘slipper’, and they are directed to a page which has a few of my photos (five or six I think) on. (and others photographers work of course).

They decide to browse my pages, and obviously, unlike my stalwart followers, do not know their way around my rather large site. They will not know how I develop a story…

A brief guide…

  1. I get an idea and take photos.
  2. I put my photos up in sets, to see how it goes, and store them there until I put them in the story, this could be fifty or more sets, and can be seen by clicking ‘photo sets’ above. There are 465 of them!
  3. The successful ideas then go into the basics of a story, posted three at a time, usually in two concurrent posts, in this section, click here…
  4. Then once I am satisfied that people want to see more, I ask my editor Robin to do his magic, and it goes onto my story page, see the menu at the top of this page.

So, if you have come here, from there, you now know how it works. And this explains why a somewhat random image like above, pops up!


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