Three Naughty Teachers Share a Passion ~ Part 4

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It was Charlotte’s turn to show one of her favourite positions to spank the naughty girls at their school in. “Ohhhh I just love the naughty desk and chair, it pokes their naughty little bottoms out just right and my face is so close to the action!”

The other girls laughed out loud! “Oh Charlotte, there is no wonder the girls like you so much, you are so funny!” Kate chortled.

“Am I?”

“Yes, and the fact you don’t realise it, makes you even funnier!” Samantha added.

“Oh right.” A slightly bemused Charlotte said, and added, as she got the stool ready… “You sit on it Sam, and you spank her Kate! I would love to see that.”

Charlotte waved her hand in invitation, to Samantha.

Samantha took her place quietly.

She settled down and Kate, trying not to look too eager, moved in to take her spanking place by the side of her.

Charlotte loved the developing scene, to have friends, who loved spanking as much as her was an almost unbelievable dream come true. Their spanking friendship was developing nice and slowly, she could not help but wonder what their bottoms were like bare, and if they would spank her bare bottom one day and she spank theirs? What an exciting prospect and wonderful voyage of discovery this was.

Each of the three teachers were now, in their own zone. Samantha gently closed her eyes, and waited for the first lovely smack, how hard would it be, how quick? Charlotte smiling in pure bliss just waited and watched, as her new friends got ready to spank again. Kate was trembling, she had always admired Samantha’s bottom!

Samantha loved Kate’s first spanking of her, it was respectful and just hard enough, she almost swooned into spanking.

Slowly the smacks got harder and faster. “Oooh yes Kate, more of them please!” Samantha begged.

“I will save my much better ones for when I have your bare bottom upturned over my lap, pushing up for more, as I know you will.” Kate said bravely.

Samantha’s eyes widened at the prospect! “Oh Kate! You have just made my pussy do a little jump! Say it again!” She giggled.

Barriers were being broken down easily, at every sentence. Kate was sinking into her spanking friendships like a hot spanked bottom into a cool soft cushion.

More to come…


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