Buxiban ~ Part 1 – Another delightful spanking story from ‘B’, who is a lady who writes spanking fiction.

To read more of ‘B’ please click on ‘Links and Contributors’ in the menu above, then click on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down to her many stories.

Don’t forget, she runs a vast, immersive, realistic on line spanking game, and her new term starts on 3rd September….SO ENROLL NOW!!!



Buxiban part 1

I am eighteen, and my name is Amelia. I have flunked my A-level. Needless to say that my parents aren’t too happy. I was to retake them after a year at a cram school, but Pop was offered a great expatriate job in Singapore, and Mum suggested that I come with them.

We discovered an amazing seaside city with wide avenues, surprising high rises and superb parks. It is also hot and humid, but there’s huge air conditioned shopping malls with all the shops opening onto giant indoor atrium with fountains, and glimmering suspended mobiles. 

It was also quite surprising to find very clean streets, and no graffiti. Everyone speaks English. People are courteous and disciplined, there’s no jaywalking or illegal parking. During the week all youngsters wear school uniforms, even girls my age!

Pop was allocated a suburban semi detached house near the local silicone valley. It is located in a condominium with a huge pool and three tennis courts.

Almost next door, Pop’s colleague and wife, who arrived a month before us, invited us for lunch. I wasn’t too keen, but Mum announced, “Amelia you are coming, they have a daughter your age.”

Their house is a carbon copy of ours with two parking spaces in front and a garden in the back. It is tastefully furnished, and I was introduced to Emma. We were both wearing jeans miniskirts, and we exchanged shy smiles as our parents chatted. I blushed when Mum mentioned that I flunked my A-level. Emma’s mother chimed, “Same with Emma! We have registered her at a local girls only, private junior college to retake her A-level. We were told that they have excellent results!”

Her father added, “No boys, and strict discipline with the strap and cane!” I saw how Emma blushed crimson. Pop echoed her dad, “Excellent we will register Amelia as soon as tomorrow!” It was my turn to blush.

Emma’s mother told her, “Please show the brochure, and your school uniform to Amelia.”

She led the way upstairs to her bedroom. We hadn’t reached her room that I was asking, “Is it true about the strap and the cane?”

“Yes, and it is clearly mentioned in the brochure.”

I discovered her lovely room. She invited me to sit on her swirly chair, and handed me that brochure. I read, “All girls, no exception, will be wearing the school’s uniform, and subject to corporal punishment for misbehavior or poor results. According to the offence or shortcoming, a spanking with or without a leather paddle, or six to twelve strokes of the strap, or four to eight strokes of the cane. All punishments will be administered on the bare bottom. It is also to be noted that punishments might be administered in front of the culprit’s peers.”

“Oh boy! I have never received more than a few hand smacks from Mom.”

“Same here.”

“We are in for a rough ride!”

“For sure! Do you want to see the uniform?”


She displayed it on her bed. I picked up the grey pleated skirt, and held it in front of me, “It is quite short!” I also noticed the white collared blouses, the navy  cardigans, and sweaters for the few colder days.

She added. “White ankle socks in the summer and knee high in winter, with T.bar black leather shoes!”

“Oh! My…”

“And navy burumas…”


“Sports knickers.”

“What! Only knickers for sports? No shorts!”

“Last but not least, white cotton knickers.”

I slumped back on her chair sighing, “We even have uniform knickers.”

Her mother called, “Time for lunch girls!”

We rejoined our parents, and Mum asked, “How’s the uniform dear?”

“We are going to look like twelve years old.”

Her father mentioned, “All girls your age wear a school uniform.”

Pop asked, “What about discipline?”

I sighed, “Leather paddle, strap, and up to eight strokes of the cane.”

I loudly added, “And bare butt!”

Mum protested, “Language Amelia!”

I again sighed.

Mum hissed, “Its about time that you get what you richly deserve!”

“Soz Mum!”

Pop also sighed, “Its a pity that I couldn’t bring myself to tan your hide…”

Emma’s father added, “Same here… We are guilty… and our mamby pamby education system hasn’t help.”

Later at night, I mused, “I have never worried about my school work. It was smooth sailing till my O-level. I got them by the skin of my teeth. It should have been a warning. I ignored it and failed my A-level. I hate to admit it, but Mum might be right about getting what I deserve…”

Amelia and Emma

To be continued…

NB : A buxiban is a cram school in Asia


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New term starting September 3rd…

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2 thoughts on “Buxiban ~ Part 1 – Another delightful spanking story from ‘B’, who is a lady who writes spanking fiction.

  1. Such a splendid start to the weekend now we await and can only hope that Amelia/Emma behave but ah i have an odd premonition

    misbehaviour = sore bottoms

    we now just have to wait – as the Master says ‘more to come’

  2. Thanks dear friend 🙂
    Link exchange done!

    And who wants to play?

    If you want to play a schoolgirl liable to have her knickers taken down for a spanking when misbehaving, or the teacher to be spanking her.

    You should try to play O&P !

    If you love adventures, and making new friends.

    You should try to play O&P !

    If you are looking for a realistic online writing game.

    You should try playing O&P !

    For those who are willing to make the effort, their dreams will come alive!

    You should try playing O&P !

    If you are worried about your writing ability, don’t! We do not care about your grammar! As long as you have the imagination to write you are a writer!

    Please visit our website: https://oaks-and-pines.com/

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