Black and White Set ~ 14

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‘The Spankettes’, in black and white, why have I not thought of it before?

All together now…1,2,3,4,5,6, grab a girl, grab an implement and keep time on their bare bottoms, form a semi circle and watch the show, …here we go!

smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, ……that’s it, keep together!

Phew!…. a bit fast at the end, but we kept together well, I think we did a good job!

More black and white sets to come…


5 thoughts on “Black and White Set ~ 14

  1. Ah the last picture, sublime, all in harmony and ready to gallop….

    Who but who is the creature in the middle, we know the others i think but she and gosh totally naked, nude and dishebbele – see, the outrageous creature, NO SHOES, unbelievable

  2. Yes, you know Kate and Samantha, the other two are the girls from the ‘naughty waitresses’ story. The dark haired girl is Raven, (the hardest caner I have ever seen…I think she would even have Suzette begging her to stop!), and the blonde is Charlene.

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