Black and White Galleries

I am now pretty much settled into a nice mixture of back and white and colour posts in stories etc. Very often I try to do b&w one day, and colour the next, with some mixed in between. To suit all palettes.

I am now going to go through sets, and where they have not been used in b&w, and I will pick a few choice photos from the colour sets.

They will appear here…

Set 1. This is from my early years, in my first studio, above a small, quaint art gallery where I sold my art. Charlotte was my submissive, I had not met Samantha or Kate at this time.

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Set 2. This is from my first visit to Kate’s Studio, I was making a video about a Victorian Women’s prison, based on facts that I researched. It seems that a girl could get a much better time of it in Prison if she agreed to become a ‘Lady’s Maid’, of sorts. In other words a sex slave, whom the lady visited when the had a need. It is also a story, illustrated, just look under ‘photo stories’ in the menu bar above.

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Set 3. Back in my first Studio again for this, it was a commissioned shoot from a client who provided the clothes and knickers. I got his permission to post some of the photos I took. The door behind her is magical, I wish I still had it. But I can still use it if I wish.

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Set 4 Since I first met Charlotte, she has lived in three houses. This was the room where I first met her. I told her a story, and asked her to act it out over my knee. She was enthralled, and her friends later told me how she could not stop talking about this mysterious older man who came, to tell her stories…and how she hoped I would come again. This is from one of those stories, I gave her such a spanking after these photos!

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Set 5. This is shot at Charlotte’s Mummy’s house, and is the first time of many that I saw a real Mummy spank her naughty daughter.

Click here…

Set 6 …I came across some drawings, I have never found them since, I think they might have been Benson’s. Anyway, the inspired this shoot.

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Set 7… One of the many, many, man times I went to be a witness of a spanking of Charlotte, for Charlotte’s real Mummy. Charlotte got into all sorts of scrapes and was still spanked by her Mummy, for real. Usually for real, in one of her punishment school uniforms. I was there to record them, and to add to Charlotte’s humiliation. She had known me a while, and I found out later just how much she thought of me. To be punished for real, before me, was to her humiliating and super sexy! I was thrilled and volunteered for the job eagerly, on condition that I could use the photos for stories etc.

Click here…

Set 8 ~ What a delight to be invited in for another punishment set shoot, to be told that she is waiting upstairs with the cane…

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Set 9

Not all sets here are previously used coloured sets, some are new. This set was only taken a few week ago (at time of writing this). Once again the cane and waiting is the theme…

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Set 10 ~ Bedroom Spanking

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Set 11

Spanked in the Parlour… This is a lovely set of Charlotte being spanked by her real Mummy in the parlour, and the subsequent corner time poses.

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Set 12 ~ Secret Passages!

The Victorian house I shoot in has secret passages, a small theatre, an underground bomb shelter, a cinema room, boudoirs, and secret passage ways. This just looks like the wood panneling, until you press in the secret place, it opens on to a twisting, winding stairway…leading to….(Hmm, I’ll keep that secret for now.)

Set 13 The Head Girl sees another spanking…

The Head Girl, Kate, is always on hand in case a girl tries to run, or needs restraining.

Set 14 ~ The Spankettes

Very musical this spanking you know, I am quite an expert at keeping the beat going!

Set 15 ~ featuring Kate

Click here…

Set 16…a nice bit of glamour on a chair, from Kate

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Photo Set 17…this is a bit of an experiment with new apparatus.

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Set 18 …Samantha comes to school in boots and a short gym slip… it is ‘out to the front girl’

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Set 19

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Set 20

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Set 21

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Set 22

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Set 23

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Set 24

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Set 25

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Set 26

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Set 28 (not sure where 27 went!!)

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Set 29

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Set 30

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Set 31

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more to come…
