A little update on Reverend J… Two naughty boys, and Suzette etc. And what is coming up soon…in 2023!!

A talented man our Reverend J…

Not only does her provide us with excellent stories, he also assists me on shoots at times. He is shooting with me on my first shoot of 2023, and if my plans work out he will have Chatlotte over his knee whilst I have Samantha over mine, dressed as schoolgirls they will be getting a well deserved spanking in my study together. I have a nice little story you coming up.

In our club it is safe to show faces, so club members you are in for a treat …well sort of!! We are not George Clooney and Hugh Jackman, but the poses and story should be good.

I hope to have Suzette over his knee, mabye as a naughty nun and him in his vicar outfit! We’ll see, that is for the summer.

So, as you can see, he writes, he is a damn good photographer, he is younger and much more techno than me, so he is slowly bringing me up to date(ish). I hope that one day he will agree to taking over my site and the role of Mr.Jones, and my girls. Not yet though, but I can tell I am getting a little older, so one has to plan…::sigh::

He does 3-D scanning and printing, and like me has a spanking train set, (maybe I will get an invite to see…hint hint!) which I hope to feature one day. Here is another of his 3-D Charlotte models…

Suzette has had the next part of the story of her visit published in our club, but you will have to wait a while, because I am joining the next two club posts together in an abridged version for the next part on here.

Suzette will feature more soon, I know a lot of you are intruiged by her journey…

click here to see the last part…


Here is a sneak preview of her next installment, when she meets Samantha for the first time.

Samantha with an aopproving look…

Here is the story from the beginning…


So that is January planned.

For Febuary it is all set to do my first shoot for ‘The Domination of men by Women’.

I have two naughty boys selected, and Samantha and Charlotte eagerly waiting with canes and more. Watch this space.

It takes a long time to get the right people to fit a new idea, but once the cast is sorted, its easy, all I have to do it think of story lines.

They are going to school, they are going to be serving drinks at an all female party, a follower has asked to see a larger women spanking them naked, and I am going to have them humiliated and punished before a group of school girls, the section for that is here…


In March I have everything sorted for carring on with the finishing school story, I am excited about this one….(well, to be honest I am about every one!)

Click here to see the story so far…


My mind is dribbling story ideas out, like my girls pussies do juices, when I spank them! So stay tuned, there is a lot coming, and lets not forget…

That Head Girl of mine needs to be caught being horrid.

The two girsl playing truant in the mill need catching.

Tom Paine has part two of our story all drawn up and is well on with part three. Part One is done…


My stories ‘in threes’ have miles to run yet.

My contributors are doing fab, and show no sign of slowing down.

My club is exciting and my members are trusting its space and starting to communictate with each other.

Saint Helena has to be finished and so does Mrs.Pollards, and Up Skirt Evans!!

Good grief, 2023 is alomost full already!!

Not counting replying to all your lovely e-mails and comments.

Just a few of what is to come…..

And those my dear readers are just the tip of a blushing bottom mountain of fun coming your way in 2023

…HAPPY NEW YEAR from me and my girls, please keep following me, and thank you for your support.


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