A New Contributor ~ M.Lamont

He ought to team up with the Spanking Dutchman, click here…


…because they both share a passion for navy blue school knickers!

I know, I know….don’t we all. But these two are the acme of the subject on my blog.


The Media and School Knickers

Navy blue school knickers have been the stuff of many a male fantasy, and I think it’s fair to say that one either loves them or hates them. They certainly will be the first experience that many British boys or young men had of the female form, growing up in 1950-60-70.

Obviously, there is a plethora of spanking mags and movies where many school uniformed lovelies are divested of their school knickers and spanked, but first, let’s look at mainstream media, books TV and film.

There are comparatively few books that really celebrate school knickers. One that comes to mind is ‘His Lordship,” written by Leslie Thomas of the “Virgin Soldiers” franchise. It was first published in 1970. The cover came in a number of versions.

Here is one (my favourite).

But another version is quite cute.

The story is set around a posh girls’ boarding school where a series of just underage schoolgirls seduce the tennis coach. It wouldn’t get published today, but it ticked all my boxes as an adolescent.

It’s available on eBay and some archive sites.

Two more covers…

It obviously sold well as it went to four additions with four covers each one slightly less provocative than the original.

Of course, there is my recently published book on
Kindle, which was intended to make up for the deficit. (Shameless plug) ‘Worst Birthday Ever’.
Featuring photos by the amazing Asa Jones and the gorgeously figured Katie in traditional 1960’s gym knickers.

Asa’s note…

Sorry the above is centred and a bit small, I copied and pasted it from his original document, which he mailed to me, and it came out like this, yet all the rest copied fine….

computers eh?…strange little beasts with a mind of their own, mine has anyway, or is it what they call….’Operator Error’….probably so! here is the cover…

” Thank you for choosing me as the photographer.”

Another book worth mentioning is Knickers: An Intimate Appraisal by Rosemary Hawthorne, which has a brief section on school knickers.

Next, we will look at Cinema – yes, of course, St Trinians but also some surprising stars.

Click here…


more to come…

4 thoughts on “A New Contributor ~ M.Lamont

  1. I remember His Lordship. The cover I saw was the third one in your list, with the steamy shower room.

    Navy blue knickers – definitely a great thing, but I also favour bottle green and maroon knickers. Girls at my school seemed to have a choice of navy blue, or grey for PE – either works for me.

  2. Yes, I am with you on that, I love navy blue, the deep shadowns catch the curves of a firm buttock cheek very well on photography. But for me, I thing maroon, green, and white are all up there….cheers Mike.

  3. Drum tight and stretched tautly over the fleshy buttocks of a sturdy thighed and athletically inclined lass.The colour of the knickers is not so important to me though come to think of it bottle green/blue perhaps for the more fair skinned young lady and perhaps maroon for the more darker complexioned young lady would be the ideal arrangement.Though I doubt the regulations were taking my aesthetic ponderings into account lol,

  4. Probably not Old Codger, but what an insight into cotton colours and girls complexions. Thank you once again my invaluable friend!

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