Week Two – Thursday

This is another part in the story about Mrs.Pollard…click here…


Just a quick recap….Shona the spiteful nasty bully has been running a protection racket. Stephanie, Charlotte and Samantha set a trap, and have got her on their phones, being vile. Last night, at the end of school they went to see Mrs Pollard in her Study. They showed her the evidence. She was shocked, and horrified at the cruelty and foul language coming from Shona’s mouth.

Miss Pollard asked them if they knew of any other girls being threatened and they gave her a list of fifteen. She told the girls to go home and relax, their ordeal was over. She asked that next morning they go to her Study, instead of Assembly. And wait, the secretary will have a cup of tea for them.

That night she rang the homes of the fifteen girls. She had all the evidence she needed.

Next morning she summoned Shona, before assembly, and left her in the Detention Room next to her Study. Two Prefects were on guard at the doors. She went to conduct Assembly. Shona sat wondering what was going on.

Assembly was over, the school was all a buzz in anticipation. Rumours said that said Shona was going to get it, and were rife. The rumours were not wrong.

Rest assured, she is going to get it alright. But for now, let us rejoice in the humiliating spectacle of a school bully being dragged by the ear to receive her punishment.

“Right! Come with me young lady! Get up! NOW!” Screamed Mrs Pollard.

Mrs Pollard got a firm grip on Shona’s left ear, and twisted it sharply, then squeezing it and pulling, she made her get up smartly.

“Owwww! My ear, my ear, my ear….you are twisting it off, stop, stop, owwww!” Screamed Shona.

The three girls in the Study, through the door giggled, it was music to their ears. The Prefects went away, and the naughty, horrid bully was frogmarched to her fate, pulled by the ear, which was holding her bent over. How she squealed. Lots of girls in the school could hear her, it seems the rumours are true!

Shona tried to stop Mrs.Pollard, but her grip on her ear was like a vice, she resisted at the door when she saw the three girls….in horror! But was yanked in unceremoniously, crying and wailing.

Stephanie smiled.

Charlotte smiled.

Samantha smiled.

They were going to enjoy this, and so will you, I think. Revenge is sweet, and what is it they say? ‘Best served cold’?…I disagree, it is best served HOT! ..fast, and very hard, on a wriggling soft bare bottom.

Thursday Part Two…

Click here…


Click here for her first spanking of three!


Click here for her second spanking of three!


Click here for her third spanking of three!


Click here to see Miss Pollard get the size thirteen plimsol!


Click here to see the plimsol landing repeatedly on the bully’s bare bottom!


More to come.


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